TS Alyse DK

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TS Alyse collection | TS Alyse DK

TS Alyse DK


Family: 16 style

Wildlife Sanctuaries
OpenType Features
Archaeological Sites
OpenType Features
Sustainable Seafood
OpenType Features
Hydrothermal Vents
OpenType Features
Bleaching Mitigation
OpenType Features
Conservation Efforts
OpenType Features
Sumatran Orangutan
OpenType Features
Sustainable Fisheries
OpenType Features
Carbon Sequestration
OpenType Features
Coastal Development
OpenType Features
Ecotourism Initiatives
OpenType Features
Aquaculture Practices
OpenType Features
Deep-Sea Exploration
OpenType Features
Severe Water Scarcity
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Pathogen Surveillance
OpenType Features
Marine Biotechnology
OpenType Features
Deep within the dense rainforests, a curious and agile monkey named Indri thrived amidst the towering trees. With sleek black fur and soulful eyes, Indri’s mischievous spirit propelled him from branch to branch, exploring the wonders of his lush habitat.


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About Oxylious


TS Alyse collection has family TS Alyse, TS Alyse DK, and TS Alyse DK2. These families intend for different conditions in which types are set. Type designers tend to pay more attention to black text on a white background because of their traditional practice. On the web, typefaces are placed on diverse backgrounds with color, and web developers usually pay great attention to the legibility of texts. They are not only the case of running text but also texts on buttons.

White letters on a black background look bolder than black letters on white. It is not only the issue of visual consistency, but it shrinks the spaces inside of a letter or the space between letters. The smaller spaces bring a negative effect on legibility. TS Alyse’s collection tackles the issue and improves visual consistency.
